Powerlifters bag 13 medals in Jr and Master Nationals

Orissa bagged a total of 13 medals in the Junior and Master National Powerlifting Championship, which concluded at Guwahati today. The medals included six golds, six silvers and one bronze. Pradip Kumar Patra lived up to his reputation as an international, winning four golds in 60kg weight class. He lifted 210kg in squat, 115kg in benchpress and 240kg in deadlift for a total of 565kg. Sangita Singh claimed two golds in squat (170kg) and benchpress (87.5kg) along with two silvers in deadlift (145kg) and total (402.5kg) of the junior girls 82.5kg class. Gitarani Sasmal secured a bronze in junior girls above 90kg class, lifting 145kg in squat. Bagaru Ratai secured a silver in junior 56kg class, lifting 220kg in deadlift. Iswar Machhkund pocketed a silver in junior 67.5kg deadlift. In the master category, Brahmapada Behera and Kartikeswar Jena claimed a silver each, lifting a total of 630kg in 75kg master-1 category and 545kg in 75kg master-II category respectively. Behera also set a National record in squat, lifting 260kg.
